

You will need, of course, Python (tested on 2.7, might need some fixes for Python 3.x), a running SQL server (NewAuth has been tested with SQLite and PostgreSQL but it should work with MySQL) and a Redis server. Create a new SQL database and a user for NewAuth and keep its login details close. You might also need some extra packages to compile python dependencies, most notably libxml2 and database driver specific libraries.


Here’s the basic commands to download and install NewAuth:

$ git clone
$ cd newauth
$ virtualenv .
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


NewAuth configuration is read from the newauth/ file. Refer to Settings for documentation and come back here!

Corporation API Key

In order to pick up your corporation/alliance, you will need to generate a corporation or alliance key with the Contact and Standings permissions. Please click this link to open CCP’s API page to create one.

Initial launch

Once NewAuth is configured, you will need to migrate the database:

$ python db migrate
$ python db upgrade

You should then be able to start NewAuth with its development server:

$ python
 * Running on

Once NewAuth is confirmed to be working, it’s time to import your corporation’s contacts:

$ python update_contacts

And there you have it! NewAuth is now running on your computer. You are now able to create an account and login with it! Once your account created, make yourself admin with:

$ python make_admin $YOUR_USER_ID

Thanks you for using NewAuth!

Background Tasks

NewAuth is using Celery to delegate heavy tasks to the background and cronjobs. Please refer to Celery’s documentation for more configuration options. You will need to launch it alongside newauth with:

celery -A manage.celery worker -Q newauth,celery -B

This command should be ran in the root directory of NewAuth.